Nutrition's ~ Nation 3: Herbal Dietary Food Supplements

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Herbal Dietary Food Supplements

Herbal Dietary Food Supplements
Herbal Dietary Food Supplements often contain more than one herbal ingredient meant to enhance your everyday diet. Some ingredients are Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids & other dietary substances. These herbal dietary supplements are not intended to treat or cure various diseases or conditions but to help prevent certain ailments & to also add nutrients to the body. 

But undeniably herbal dietary supplements have healing properties for several body conditions. Many supplements help treat a wide variety of conditions.

Phaedra is a dietary supplement that helps prevent colds and treat asthma & other upper respiratory ailments.

Magnesium is an herbal dietary supplement that aids in preventing kidney, thyroid or heart disease.

Vitamin E is an herbal dietary supplement that is a potent antioxidant.

Copper is a herbal dietary supplement that aids in the absorption of zinc in the body & maximizes its beneficial effects effect. It helps the body function normally prevents heart disease promotes healthy skin & hair colour & other benefits.

Folate is an herbal dietary supplements that contribute to the production of red blood cells manufacture of DNA for cell replication & aids in the metabolism of amino acids.

Iron is an herbal dietary supplement that supplies energy to every cell in the body & a vital component of haemoglobin which supplies oxygen to muscles.

Vitamin B6 and B12 belong to Vitamin B complexes which treat a host of ailments such as Alcoholism, Depression, Diabetes, Hair problems, Lupus, Multiple sclerosis & stress.

Tea is an herbal dietary supplements that contain antioxidant effective in preventing cancer and heart disease & reducing blood pressure among numerous other benefits.

Vitamin D is an essential herbal dietary supplement in preventing osteoporosis.

Selenium contains antioxidants that could counter various ailments including cancer.

Vitamin A & carotids are herbal dietary supplements that promote good eyesight.

We live in the real world & perfection is more than a little distance away. So what about those vitamins we need? The alternative to a perfect diet is a regular regimen of vitamin supplements. Before you grab the latest cutest most expensive or cheapest vitamins you can find take a minute to evaluate what it is that you expect to accomplish. Start by carefully evaluating your typical daily food intake.

Take a count of the foods you eat over a few days. You may find that you’re getting sufficient amounts of most vitamins simply through your diet. Even a less-than-healthy diet overall may be offset by certain habits drinking significant quantities of Vitamin D Fortified milk for example. If you typically drink at least two cups of milk each day you’re probably getting the Vitamin D recommended for a normal healthy adult.

But what if you realize that you really aren’t getting the vitamins you need? Then it’s time to add a vitamin supplement but you should be smart about it. For most children and adults who aren’t getting the recommended daily allowances of vitamins a very general vitamin is probably your best bet. There are plenty of options out there & it really becomes a matter of personal choice. If the one likes some particular brand better than others that brand is probably fine. Just be sure that it’s providing recommended daily allowances of the top vitamins needed.

The same is true of adults though it tends to be the claims of the manufacturer that grab the attention rather than the fact that the vitamins are in the shape of a cartoon character. Be wary of any vitamin brand when the manufacturer makes incredible claims. No doubt having sufficient vitamin intake daily will make you feel better but there’s also no doubt that vitamins aren’t going to turn back the clock give you the vitality of a toddler & make all your aches & pains go away. Be smart about it. Read the back of the bottle to find out what vitamins are actually packed into that little pill. You may be surprised to find the ingredients of the cheapest store brand and those incredibly expensive vitamins are exactly the same.

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