Nutrition's ~ Nation 3: What Is Testosterone And Why Should You Care

Monday, March 14, 2022

What Is Testosterone And Why Should You Care

What Is Testosterone And Why Should You Care
Testosterone it’s the predominant male sex hormone and it plays a critical role in a man’s health. In simple words, testosterone makes a man manly. It’s a man’s best friend. Here are a few examples of what testosterone does in a man’s body.

Higher muscle mass.

Higher energy levels.
Improved cognition.
Decreased risk of osteoporosis.

Increased libido.

Better insulin management.

Sounds good, right? Well, unfortunately for us men, testosterone tends to decline with age. This decline is gradual and slow, sometimes not even noticeable. But the symptoms of low testosterone are clear.

Lack of confidence.



Difficulty sleeping.

Low energy levels.

Loss of desire to have sex.

Higher fat storage.

Even worse, as Sean Russell writes in his testosterone boost article, men typically have half the testosterone today than what they used to have 100 years ago!

Whether you already have low testosterone or want to increase your current levels, even more, there are some very simple solutions you can do today to give you a good pump. Some of these you can do right now as soon as you finish this article. So let’s get started and give your manhood a boost.

Take MUS250:

In short, MUS250 Testosterone Booster synergizes with your natural anabolic activity, meaning MUS250 supports healthy increases in testosterone levels helping assure that your muscles are primed for superior growth when used as part of a healthy diet and weight training regime.

Hell, yeah! It has been clinically proven that watching just five minutes of explicit images or videos can substantially increase your testosterone levels. There are so many ways in which a female can increase testosterone in men. Did you know that just talking to an attractive girl can raise your testosterone by as much as 30%? Porn has a similar effect, and it peaks 60-90 minutes after the film. As a matter of fact, just by being sexually aroused your testosterone levels will rise. When watching explicit videos or images is not feasible, you may turn to sexual visualization. If you think about sex and play an explicit and detailed movie in your head, your testosterone production can increase too. Although some scientists point out that the increase in testosterone is short-lived, I think that, when combined with other methods, it can result in a dramatic change.

Sleep Like a Baby:

Most men are sleep-deprived these days, which could be taking an important toll on your manhood.


Our body makes all the testosterone we need while we are sleeping (yes, that’s the reason for the morning erections), then it is only logical to assume that getting more and better sleep will have a positive effect on your testosterone levels. In one study, researchers at the University of Chicago found that young men who slept less than five hours a night for one week had lower testosterone levels than when they were fully rested.

The drop was typically 10-15%. Not only does sleep boost testosterone, but it also helps manage cortisol, a stress hormone that has been shown to decrease testosterone levels when present in high amounts. You should also be paying attention to the quality of your sleep and make sure you get a good, deep sleep every night. Maintain the room dark and quiet; avoid caffeine in the evenings when possible and relax as much as you can before going to bed (this is not the time to get a cold shower unless you plan to get naughty with your girl. To assist with this ongoing sleep issue Muscle Nutrition introduced lights.

Out sleep aid. Lights Out was formulated in the pursuit of Muscle Nutrition Founder, Matt Coorey. See Matt like so many of us spends hours in the gym, his diet and training are on point but with the never-ending demands of heading up one of Australia’s premier supplement manufacturing companies and the WBFF Australia Matt found himself struggling with the R&R side, sleep just wasn’t happening. This is when Matt comes up with the most complete, ideal nighttime recovery formula. A supplement that gives that elusive edge to the most serious hardcore trainers. Now we all have the most comprehensive, result-driven multiplatform sleep, GH, and recovery formula, Lights Out.

Loaded with relaxation, sleep promoters and GH enhancers Light Out will promote tranquillity, a deep and restful sleep, enhanced protein synthesis, and assist in improving immune function. Lights Out is designed to make a more efficient recovery, reduce soreness and generate fresh growth during your downtime.

There are also a bunch of nutrition tips that can help you reduce cortisol. For example, reducing sugar, taking anti-oxidants, drinking green tea, etc. However, as diet plays such an important role, we will look at it more in detail in the next point.

Lifestyle for manhood:

Lifestyle is the hardest thing to change, but also the one that will yield you more results over the long term. There are no quick fixes here. Diet and exercise are the two most important changes you can make for long-term gain. A whole book could be written on this point alone (and some people already did so), but at least I want to let you know the summary of the main concepts so you know what this is all about. Staying lean is very important for testosterone production. Many studies have proven that the more fat you carry, the lower your testosterone levels will be. If you are overweight, you should consider eating healthy and doing exercise. You will see vast improvements.


Any exercise is already better than nothing. If you are overweight, you could find it beneficial to walk at a fast pace. If you are already hitting the gym, try compound exercises (those involving more than one joint and muscle group, typically engaging the core) or strength training.


Having a balanced diet is essential. For starters, cut out sugar & increase healthy fats (fish oil, olive oil, raw nuts, avocados, coconut oil). Sugar increases cortisol, which reduces testosterone, and healthy fats are necessary for testosterone production. In addition, try to include supplements such as vitamin D3, zinc, and plenty of antioxidants.

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