Nutrition's ~ Nation 3: National Nutrition 7 Myths

Monday, September 06, 2021

National Nutrition 7 Myths

National Nutrition 7 Myths
A nutritious diet is everybody’s dream however, it is not easy to follow one. Add to that, several myths that surround nutrients and their role in our daily life. While some of us don’t fall for this fallacy, others might end up following it thinking it’s true. At a time, when the pandemic is nowhere near its end, it is important to not only eat healthily but consume all the essential nutrients that one requires.

Banana Is A Cold Fruit And Shouldn’t Be Eaten In The Evening:
Fact: This doesn’t hold any truth in it. It is just like any fruit and can be eaten at night as well.

Diabetics Can Have Jaggery:
Fact: This is the wrong Jaggery is the same as sugar and is a strict no-no for Diabetics. But, for the non-Diabetics, it is definitely a good alternative to sugar.

Coffee Is Not Good For Health, Especially For Girls:
Fact: Every coffee drinker might have heard this at least once in their life, but this doesn’t hold any truth. Both tea and coffee have caffeine in them and are equally harmful and in some cases beneficial. It should be taken in moderate amounts. Anything in excess is harmful to your body. With that being said, one cup a day won’t do anything bad. The thing that people should keep in mind is to not have it immediately after a meal. There should be a 2-3 hour gap between meals and tea or coffee.

Rice Is A Big No If You Have a Cold:
Fact: Again, people in Kashmir eat rice as a staple, this doesn’t have anything to do with the cold.

You Shouldn’t Eat Curd When Down With Cough And Cold:
Fact: The only example I will give here is of people who live in cold countries and eat yogurt as part of their daily diet. This proves that curd and cough don’t have any relation. People with coughs can have it for sure.

Eat Frequent Meals To Maintain Optimum Health:
Fact: One doesn’t have to eat every hour. The recommended gap between meals is at least 3-4 hours. If you keep on eating every hour, you are not giving your body time to digest the meal. For Diabetics and other patients, however, this might help.

Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal of The Day:
Fact: All meals are equally important. But yes, breakfast being the first meal of the day is responsible for keeping you energetic and giving you a boost of energy throughout the day. Having a heavy breakfast is not required, one can simply eat oats or fruits and they are good to go for the day.

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