Nutrition's ~ Nation 3: What To Eat To Gain Weight

Friday, June 18, 2021

What To Eat To Gain Weight

What To Eat To Gain Weight
The key to formulating any meal for weight gain is to concentrate on a sensible blend of complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats. When attempting to gain weight, it is often beneficial to eat multiple small meals per day, rather than a few large meals.

To gain weight in a healthy fashion requires eating calorie-dense yet nutritious food. An example of breakfast while on the weight gain diet includes granola, chopped nuts, a banana, milk, and juice.
You are also allowed snacks spaced mid-way between meals, and must eat a sensible dinner. The key to formulating any meal for weight gain is to concentrate on a sensible blend of complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats.
When attempting to gain weight, it is often beneficial to eat multiple small meals per day, rather than a few large meals. Especially when coupled with exercise, eating multiple small meals encourages your body to use the calories to build lean tissue (muscle).
How To Gain Weight:
1) Count how many calories you eat on a normal day. Do not change anything, just eat like you normally would and count how many calories you consumed. This is an extremely important step, so try to be as exact as possible. Also, weigh yourself.
2) Starting the day after you counted calories, eat 500 calories MORE than you normally do. So, let's pretend that the day you counted calories you counted 2000. For the rest of the week, you would now eat 2500 calories a day. Instead of eating 3 big meals a day or eating all day all the time, spread those calories out over 5-6 smaller meals. Eat one meal every 2 and a half to 3 hours. To get big, you have to eat big! Remember that.
3) Weightlifting! Get in the gym and lift! This is another important step to how to gain weight, so make sure you are doing it correctly.
4) At the end of that week, weigh yourself. You will notice you are gaining just after one week! Now, do not expect to see a 10lb increase. Gaining any more than 1 or 2 pounds a week is unhealthy and means you are putting on way too much fat. So look for 1 or 2-pound gains at the end of the week. Does it not sound like much? You can be gaining 5-8 pounds a month!
5) Here's an important one. At some point, you will stop seeing weight gain. At this point, you will have to eat even more. So, when you stop gaining for at least 2 weeks, it means it is time to start eating an extra 250 calories a day. Every time you see you have not gained weight for at least 2 weeks, add an extra 250 calories.
Diet to Gain Weight:
The following diet for gaining weight can supply those extra calories:

A) Milk Group: Milk, Cheese, Yogurt, Cottage, Cheese, Soy Tofu, Curd.

B) Meat Group: Red Meat, Fish, Poultry, Egg Whites, Dried Beans and Peas, Dry Nuts.

C) Vegetable Group: Fresh, Frozen, Canned, Juiced Vegetable n Salads.

D) Fruit Group: Fresh, Frozen, Canned, Dried, Juiced Fruits.

E) Grain Group: Cereals, Bread, Rolls, Pasta, Muffins, Pancakes, Grits, Brown Rice.
Alcohol can also be taken in small sips, perhaps before meals, as it may help improve your appetite. Alcohol must be taken after your doctor's permission only. If you like oily food then tries adding some vegetable oil or vegetable margarine to your food, particularly to mashed pulses, salads, and potatoes.
Avoid Caffeine and Nicotine Caffeine and nicotine are good stimulants and help to increase the metabolism of our body. Avoid having these stimulants in excess quantity to help your body retain maximum nutritional value from what you eat.
Eat Frequently If you have food just one or two times then it slows down the weight gain since it makes you feel that your stomach is full. Go for smaller meals and snacks throughout the day since it increases the food intake of our body.
Exercise While doing exercise it should be done such that muscles are stretched out. You do not have to do it excessively; rather you must subject your body to out-of-the-ordinary stress each work out to grow muscle and to gain weight.
Inborn factors can play a large role in the physique. If our parents are thin means we have less chance to put on weight. Many non-nutritional factors can also contribute to low body weight, such as stress or nervous tension. Good nutrition, relaxation, and regular exercise help in increasing body mass.

So be happy and eat healthy food after all Health is wealth.

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